You have brought me nothing but pure joy since that very first moment… Watching you grow… absorbing the world around you… inquisitive and delighted to learn… I’m reminded each day of the miracles you bring into my world.
As all mothers do… I have goals… dreams and wishes for you
Don’t ever apologize for who you are, for what you want, for how hard you have worked or where you are going in life. I don’t doubt you will work hard… but I can already see signs that you are quick to apologize… to back down. Don’t. You have learned this from me and I wish I could take it back… Stand your ground… be proud of you. Do not live to make others happy or to measure up to someone else’s expectations… Be Johnathon. This is enough.
I wish for the kind heart I see you in now to stay firmly in place… Keep it, nurture it, handle it with care. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you are too sensitive… You are the first to hold your step sister’s hand when she is scared… the first to run for the ice pack when someone is hurt… the first to panic when people fight because the fighting for no reason is perplexing to you… I couldn’t live without your affection and kindness.
Seek joy… Pure Joy… Every single day, find something that makes you happy and do it. Be it big or small – an act of kindness, listening to a song you love, calling a friend – it quite simply doesn’t matter. What matters is that you spend a portion of each day smiling and laughing.
Your dreams: do them. Your heart: follow it… Your family: treasure them… Your friends: be loyal to them… Your fears: embrace them and allow them to make you stronger… The money you earn: respect it… Your passion: LIVE IT.
I will always call you bug… buddy… neenerfan… angel boy. I am so proud to call you my son.
Today I am going to take you to attempt to get your learners permit and I am going to put you behind the wheel of a car… I feel like there is an energy… a force in you that I cannot slow down… or contain… I miss your small face… but your deep voice is such a sense of pride for me… you are such a fine young man. Happy Birthday my baby…. and many more.