Well… Get ready for some gut level honesty… it does not happen often… But this is who I am.

Betcha didn’t know…
I can’t play… Really… I can’t do it much to the dismay of all the smalls in my life… I can’t pretend… can’t walk that little doll along the table and talk for her… or pretend to have her fly through the air… no ponies, no action figures (I can FIGHT however… gimme a good action figure to wack you with and it is on).
I’m also a zombie fanatic… Seriously, ask me something about them… But I’m sort of picky on what types of zombie stories I like… I prefer the apocalyptic ones… where the undead wins.
I aspire to be a writer when I retire…. I love to write stories and share ideas and thoughts.
My favorite thing in the universe to do is to interact with other people on any topic in the universe at an ungodly inappropriate hour because the conversation is so good. .. But I refuse to go to gatherings.
I am a jack of all trades… master of none… I honestly think I can converse about any topic in the universe fairly well… Dorothy Parker once wrote “the only cure for boredom is curiosity, there is no cure for curiosity” — I am afflicted with it.
Randoms things I know ..
Charles Manson… Ironically he is trending this week… suddenly I have people to talk with about this.
Religion … Mormonism… Catholicism… Mysticism… I love the subject and read up on all spiritual traditions… Partake in none of them.
The Hypothalamus – The Hormone Station…
The Hippocampus – The Memory Station… I majored in early childhood psychology for a period…
World affairs… I don’t often blog about them… but I am not one of those people that believe what FOX news (or any of the others media outlets really) I do my homework… I research… I support causes I believe in… I was there the first night Occupy camped out.
Things I don’t know
Sewing… or any kind of needle work at all… I think I am allergic to it
Cooking… I break out in hives
US History… For someone who cares so much about what is going on today… yeah… I got nothing.
Car Maintenance… Bahahahahaha!
Sports… of any kind.
I believe …
In miracles… I really do… I don’t think some white bearded man touched my life with his almighty finger or anything like that… But I have witnessed truly miraculous things.
In Angels… Yep… again… not winged trumpeting robed beings… but I believe in things that can’t be seen.
In My Children… With all of my heart… even though right now I dont really understand how they are going to pull it off… I think that they will do so fantastically!
In Myself… You see… most days I dont understand how I am going to pull it off… but I keep doing so.
In You… I believe… despite what I read about the world… despite what I see people doing to others… and the earth… that human kind as a whole is mostly good… that we are good… that small acts of kindness save lives… and they happen everyday. I Believe in you enough for both of us on the days that you don’t believe in yourself… so don’t sweat it… I have you covered…
Now… That being said… I wrote a cheeky blog last week… then forgot to link it up to MamaKats… but it was funny… So make sure you go show some love on that sad little creative post that I worked so hard on… cause it needs it!