… in my neck of the woods.

Spring  Sming … I’m not convinced it exists… it has been cold… and snowing still off and on … With just a dash of sunshiney days to keep us from going all “The Shining” on each other… so before I wrote a post complaining and moaning the woes of the winter that just won’t end… I jumped on my local news page to check the weather… because I am a good blogger… who takes her prompts seriously and never gets distracted off the topic… WTF is this???


Soooooo here is the discussion that spawned…

Tolman:  I’m such a grammar/spelling snob…. *Loses *losing

 me:  BAHAHA! Yes! That is sad honestly … They are supposed to be professionals

Tolman:  Good on that woman though! I should take up pole dancing!!!

me:  Uhhh Somehow… I just know that’s how I would die…. Death by Pole Dancing to lose weight… you know it is true… I would fall on my head

Tolman: HAhahaahahaa!! Oh come on!!

me:  You know its true… Broken Neck… From pole dancing

Tolman: It would make for a VERY interesting obituary!!!! Probably go viral!!!

me:  Great! I will finally be discovered when I am dead

In conclusion… This is what Spring looks like in my neck of the woods…. and I am finally going to be discovered!!!

Inspired by

mama kats


…Leprechauns… Agents of Satan

What do they have? Razor Sharp Teeth? Talons and claws! They gnashed their way out of the trap!

What do they have? Razor Sharp Teeth? Talons and claws! They gnashed their way out of the trap!

They walk up walls???

They walk up walls???

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photo (37)Sorry! IT IS A TRAP!!!!

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And that is what we ate!!!


This blog is brought to you by the MAMA Kats writing prompts… and My weird ability to twist them into terrifying small children


mama kats


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Papa Smurf getting down and dirty….Don’t ever say I didn’t get you wet …. And something is fishy … really!

This is not a real post… this is a Funday Friday post… Please tune in next week for your regularly scheduled nonsense

The New Pope and North Korea held most of the headlines this week… and I thought I we could all use something a little different… These are real stories people… (Linked to sources)


A participant dressed as Papa Smurf scrambles through mud in the fourth extreme BraveheartBattle run in Muennerstadt, Germany, on March 9. The 15-mile track is known as one of the toughest, most extreme obstacle courses in the world.

Personally .. I always thought Smurfette had loose morals

In other news… This happened…


This koala was sleeping in a tree when it was rudely awakened by a gardener who decided to water his trees. Matt Wilkinson said: There was a heatwave in Adelaide recently and temperatures reached up to 40C. We use the sprinklers and garden hose to wet the house and surrounding trees when it’s hot to avoid a bush fire but when I watered one of the trees, this koala got a bit of a soaking. It was a boiling hot day so i’m sure it helped the koala cool down.

That Koala is clearly not pleased … Neeeyaaahhh!

I’m thinking these fish are having a way worse day than the Koala…


More than 2500kg of fresh water fish were scattered on a section of road in southern China’s Hunan Province following an accident. The driver of the truck transporting the fish lost control of his vehicle when one of his tires blew. He crashed into the safety barrier at the side of the road, which caused the hinged side of his truck to spring open and spill his entire load of fish.

Gramma always said… don’t cry over spilled milk… but this?

The one and only Piano Guy!!!

Look who I ran into!... because I rock

Look who I ran into!… because I rock











If you do not know who this is… you do not listen to my theme-song Thursdays enough…. just sayin’