Oh the places you’ll go!

mama kats

What countries have you traveled to?

This blog post will be short and sweet… much like my list of countries I have visited.

I remember when my boss at work told me to get my passport… I thought she was kidding… me? Paris!

She wasn’t kidding… They flew me first class… I stayed at the Plaza Athenee. The following year in Moscow… the Ritz… with heated bathroom floors… about a city block from Red Square… and just 6 months later….In Lisbon… The Palace.

It was one of those bucket list things for me… I have 5 years left on my passport… I would love to get many more stamps…

Paris, Moscow, and Lisbon

Paris, Moscow, and Lisbon


Completely unrelated plug … See this post to rock out for a good cause… and a comment for a chance to win.


Themesong Thursday – Coral Bones

I first saw him sing at a Grass Roots Shakespeare performance…. we LOVED him… so I searched him out on social media and started following him.

Then Yesterday he released this piece of magic… and supported a cause that was already very near and dear…. forever endearing them to me!

So listen to the song… but even more importantly….

BUY SONG TO DONATE TO NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) HERE: https://redatdusk.bandcamp.com/track/…

I bought it… Please do the same when you can. In fact, leave a comment below and share it with your friends I will randomly select 3 peeps from the comments to purchase it for! So please share!

I found the Tardis!!!!

Okay… this is pretty freaking cute… and I know you can’t see it in the image…. so I will explain… above my home is an LDS temple up on the mountain side… right smack dab in the middle of a residential neighborhood… and all around this statuesque building are signs that state “temple parking” …. one night… driving with small child… having one of our “talks” we drive past a house directly across the street from it…. and there is one section of the parkway roped off… and the sign states “Dr. Who Fans Parking” … and on their lawn was THE TARDIS!!!…. so we parked there… and it was very dark… but I jumped out for the photo op because…. HA!… and double HA! HA!

I don’t know who these people are… but I love them… that is all.

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And since this is the closest I ever want to be to the temple… I would like to dedicate this Wordless Wednesday post to my favorite male LDS missionary in the field (and his momma)…. you will have better luck getting people to see temples if you have a Tardis… that is all

If you are in Georgia.... and see this kid... Tell him to get a Tardis!!!

If you are in Georgia…. and see this kid… Tell him he needs a Tardis!


Hunger Like Love… A Book Review

I Already Reviewed it on Amazon but I found myself with more to say….

Hunger Like Love … By Jane Devin (Author of Elephant Girl)

After reading the title I found myself quite shocked to be in the story of a young child… but I quickly came to love the character “Easton” I related too much… and was impressed by the lack of anger the writing expressed… in fact it was written beautifully… and without resentment… I quickly came to love Easton in his adulthood… His display of unconditional love in parenting a child that was not his… the lengths he went to… the moral integrity told in such a way that I found myself letting go of so much of my own resentments. Then his relentless search for love… never giving up… finding it in the most unusual places… and his love affair with mankind as a whole…. I found myself smiling through this book… I found myself cheering on his daughter Liberty… I was inside the story… and that takes a special kind of writing.


I read Elephant Girl … Jane’s first novel… and fell in love with her writing style then. There is something so poetic about it. Every good writer can describe a scene in such a way that makes you feel you are there, and in that hopes to encourage you to feel as the characters feel along the way…. Jane has the ability to describe the emotions in such a way that you feel them, physically, and then it is not so hard to imagine your surroundings being the same as the characters.

If you find yourself giving up on man kind… or looking for good in it… read Hunger Like Love… it is still there.

My Favorite Excerpt

” I’d written once that my desire for a partner, for intimate love, was like a hunger that other types of love did not fill, and that few times I tried to explain it to well-meaning people inevitably led to them point out that I had the love of a daughter and friends. The more I tried to clarify that it wasn’t the same, the more misunderstood I felt. I wasn’t looking for pity or bromides. I didn’t want to be told, as if it were a fact, that the right person would come along when I wasn’t looking. I didn’t want to be encouraged to get a therapeutic massage, volunteer more time to social causes or adopt another pet. I simply wanted to share what it was like to feel the kind of restless hunger I felt. I wanted my friends to know the part of me that was so often hidden or buried. After a few attempts I quit confiding. I understood that it was like trying to explain the gnawing ache of hunger pangs to people who had never gone hungry.”

I hope I never forget what it is like to be hungry.


Totes… This is my jam!!!

Mr. Amazing:  ILTIS is going to be my new “catch all response”

me:  Huh?

Mr. Amazing:  I laughed ’til I stopped – ILTIS or Iltis

me:  LOL You are killing me… You need sleep

Mr. Amazing:  Iltis

me:  Quit that, every time you type it all I see is the word tits

Mr. Amazing:  iltis – it’s my new jam


Mr. Amazing:  IMNJ or IMJ – I like it IMJ – iltis

me:  Crazy Pants

Mr. Amazing:  IMJ baby

me:  Im done talking to you until you say words… words that mean things

Mr. Amazing:  I know, it’s difficult to parse

me:  you are grounded

Mr. Amazing: from difficult parsing?

me:  LOL you are a brat

Mr. Amazing: my vocabulary diversity increases when I am drowsy

me:  So does the humor I find in you.

Mr. Amazing I am 100% humor free certified and guaranteed

me:  No, Quite the opposite

Mr. Amazing:  is 520 calories a low-calorie drink?

me:  Ummmm No

Mr. Amazing:  Oh – iltis

me:  LMAO! I am tearing those letters off your keyboard

Mr. Amazing:  IMJ Kerry


Mr. Amazing:  IMJ

me:  LMAO!!! You are going to be the death of me… literally

Mr. Amazing:  I am broadening a colloquial term for personal and casual use that may have an alternate and beneficial effect of causing irritation in others – IMJ

me:  no… just no

Mr. Amazing:  JS, IMJ (just sayin’) that just happened

me:  ROTFLMAO!!!

Mr. Amazing:  TJH, OMG, TJH, IMJ, JS

me:  Quit it!!

Mr. Amazing:  OK

me:  LOL

Mr. Amazing:  iltis

me:  You are making me laugh so hard there are tears

Mr. Amazing:  I’m sorry JS – IS … HFS, IS, that’s totes IMJ

me:  I cant even keep up any more… and you are too old to say totes

Mr. Amazing:  (Holy Fucking Shit) HFS it’s gonna be a thing JS

me:  Thats it… Blogging it

Mr. Amazing:  HFS, TJH, fo sho

This is my favorite pic of Mr. Amazing in all the world... JS...

This is my favorite pic of Mr. Amazing in all the world… JS…

I love it when he talks dirty to me…

Chat 🙂

 me:  I am buying “King Sized” Muffin tins on amazon… that is all… Imma make all kinds of stuff in those things… I found more ideas… some include yummy dinner things


Mr. Amazing:  lol dinner muffins


me:  Mini Meatloafs dude! Its gonna happen (Those are words I never ever thought I would say… ever… I have made it a point to NEVER make meatloaf)


Mr. Amazing:  Ugh


me:  But actually… I was thinking this little taco recipe… LOL and there are other things… chicken bakes… etc.


Mr. Amazing: tacos and muffins – seems suspicious


me:  Bahahaha Just go with it… im cooking shit… its a miracle


Mr. Amazing: I was more thinking that with all of this talk about tacos and muffins…


me:  What!.. what ya gonna say? LOLOLOL!


Mr. Amazing:  Urban Dictionary … that is all




Mr. Amazing:Any number of possibly insulting, more than likely crude, nsfw and otherwise inappropriate comments may ensue (that would be a hilarious tagline for smiffbib)


me:  YES! Yes it would!

Mr. Amazing: ROFLMAO

I totally made these btw. My Cookie Wife would be so proud!!!

9 Grain Bread, Cage Free Brown Eggs, Swiss Cheese, and Turkey Bacon.

9 Grain Bread, Cage Free Brown Eggs, Swiss Cheese, and Turkey Bacon.


Well… I was a skeptic…

That's my mouth... filled with Coconut Oil.... Its happening as I type

That’s my mouth… filled with Coconut Oil….  as I type

 Something new you’re loving mama katsWe have all read the posts about it… and if you are like me you read the snopes and hoax pages about it too…. it’s been posted about everywhere and by everyone I know… I ordered an organic unrefined coconut oil tub off of amazon… and tossed a big hunk (about a tablespoon) of what looked like crisco into my mouth… at first I gagged a little… The taste didn’t bother me at all… but the texture was well… slimy… But I swished it in my mouth for 20 minutes… and figured I would give it a week… By the 5th day I knew…  I caught myself looking at the clock… I have made it part of my bed time routine… and I found myself looking forward to it… on the 7th day I called Mr. Amazing over to have a look at my teeth… which is something I have hated my entire life… I was a smoker (I QUIT!) and have a full time chewing gum habit… as well as horrible oral hygiene… Its true… and a fear of dentists… My Teeth were white! Not just a little whiter… “Markedly Brighter” Mr Amazing said… I loved how they felt… my breath in the mornings doesn’t melt paint either… just sayin… Soon (during the second week) I noticed my gums didn’t bleed anymore when I brushed them in the morning… (I totally still brush) my skin looked better (I can only assume that I am ingesting some even though I don’t swallow it) my lips were soft.

and I smiled


in pictures.

That is something new… that I LOVE!

Sorry So Short! Time to Spit!!

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