Happiness and Joy have kind of been my theme this week… you see… sometimes I can’t find my joy… sometimes it is buried down so deep under those days we don’t talk about very often… because when we are capable of talking about them… we remind ourselves not to dwell on them. The days that my head is clear enough for rational thought I choose happiness… misery is optional on those days… we all know someone who chooses misery… who is comfortable is wallowing in their own self loathing… or belief that nothing is good… that everything is against them… avoid them. It took me a long time to learn I could choose happiness… that wallowing in misery didn’t make me more poetic or beautiful… I’ve learned a lot… the hard way… Some of this I simply read somewhere… but I wish someone would have told me….
There are no grown-ups. We suspect this when we are younger… we were right.
Life is too short to have “Lunch” with people you don’t want to.
Life is too long to not take care of yourself… or at least your knees.
There are no soul mates… Not in the traditional sense, at least… and you will miss out on some near soul mates… this goes for friends as well.
To stop spending too little time with the right people
Chin Hair… it happens… and it isn’t the end of the world… Stop crying and Pluck that shit.
Stop.. I repeat Stop googling everything you are worried about. It does not help.
Start googling everything you are curious about… discover your passions.
Eight hours of continuous… unmedicated sleep is one of life’s great pleasures.