Here is the story BBC ran on the event… it was all kinds of awesome!
Red is hot and spicy, like standing too close to the fire. Orange is warm and smooth, a velvet curtain heated by the sun. Yellow is buttery and rich, like sunshine on your face. Green is earthy and comforting, the smell of fresh pine needles. Blue is cool and crisp, like dipping your foot in a lake in October. Purple is dark and rich, a baritone sax bellowing jazz. Brown is healing and ancient, the smell of earth on the forest floor. source here.
Purple smells like grape in my mind… Purple is not warm… it is not cold… it is cooling and sedate.
it has as many variations and mediums as the human mind…
violet, mauve, indigo, periwinkle, lavender, lilac and plum are all married to it.
When surrounded by darkness it absorbs the black… keeping part of it for itself… as it if it has something to learn from it before graduating to the light for the most vibrant color of an orchid… The difference between cold and hot… the many flavors between sour and sweet can all be found in purple.
The “Purple Heart” is the American award for bravery. Purple is often associated with royalty… or spirituality…
It is no wonder that the universe is painted with it.
This beautiful image of that prompted me to wonder how I would describe it if I couldnt see it was nicked from the amazing Light and Shade Challenge!
Write a poem inspired by the last conversation you had with your child
I slide out from behind the wheel… I think I am going to be ill…
He gets in & adjusts the seat … His expression makes it clear he thinks this is neat!
I buckle in tight … the inside of my cheek I begin to bite!
He puts the vehicle into gear… and smiles to himself over my fear.
Out onto the road he drives… I think I am breaking out in hives.
The first stop sign is not far… I almost go through the windshield of the car.
Im screaming and I know it… it was only yesterday he got his first zit!
He begins to get a feel for the road… he is in now in driving mode
I let him park in the driveway… that was enough for one day!
“Mom you are the best!” … He smiled and beamed with pride.
“Son, Let’s give driving a rest”… That was the day I almost died.
You can be bad to the bone… you can be blonde to the bone… you can feel the cold in your bones…
We are often defined by the character of our “bone” … there is a back bone… a funny bone… don’t forget the hopeful wishbone.
If you are skinny… you are skin and bone… if you are larger… you are big boned
people speak of a cruel bone… but I don’t know if it exists as when referenced it is usually as not having one in their body. No one ever says they are full of them.
If you give a dog a bone… you are leading him on… but if you throw a dog a bone… it is charitable.
When you are tired… and can not fathom lifting your head to face what is in front of you… you are weary to the bone.
You can love every bone in someones body… its a sign of affection.
When you are critical… of those you love… it cuts to the bone.
Make no bones about it… Who you are Bone Deep is what matters… Skin Deep and Thin skinned are no competition.
This is a prompt from the amazing Light and Shade Challenge… I was so moved by their prompt… The music (used as the prompt for my 100 word fictonal piece) can be found HERE
And so it begins… The house light went down and I was overcome with emotion. We held our breaths. Tchaikovsky started to swell from the orchestra pit and my heart began to swell with pride, as my eyes swelled with tears. It was the first moment our little girl became a real Ballerina. So, there I sat with a giant lump in my throat until I caught sight of her in a blur of tulle and glitter… Every Plié, Leap, Pirouette showed focus and enjoyment on her face. We met her back stage with roses and then I walked that graceful beauty out into the falling snow.