

I despise the words ‘riot’ and “thug” carelessly thrown into the conversation… They do not understand… They scream their condemnations.

The term “The Final Straw” has never been more literal … and that straw is on fire…

We watch it on the TV… We question who we are… We wonder if the flames will spread… to our own cities so very far…

I am not going to pretend I am someone I am not …and with a heavy heart I look around me…trying to see anything that makes me feel right as I type this from my privileged neighborhood… in my middle class home… on my macbook air…  2 kids… 2 pets…  the news on the big screen…

From this view point I watch as images being filmed in the firelight…show people being ridiculed for stealing their most basic needs.

Fire is vibrant in the dark…

I study the faces of those gathered… Peaceful. Stoic. Calm.

They are not vigilantes… simply vigilant to the cause

They didn’t start the fires… but they feel a deep burning within them….

They do not condone… but they do understand… as they hold their ground on the street

They do not see a riot… but an uprising… and this is the language of The Unheard, The Ignored. The Downtrodden.

and oh I know there are a million different point of views… thousands of opinions… and everyone thinks they are right.

and I apologize if I have offended you or any of them…with these very broken thoughts

But I have to hope that one day the image of the street ablaze will be remembered as the start of how we changed… And that the word ‘thug’ will die out with the flames

and my heart goes out to those Mothers that are praying for their children that are not home tonight…. while mine are tucked into bed safe and …. White.


This post was so painful to write as I follow the current events …

I have been paralyzed in my writing for weeks as I am unable to even process thoughts and feelings with all that is going on with our world… I am grateful for the prompt from the Light and Shade challenge for letting me shed a little of the weight…. and I cling to the belief that there is still more good than evil… even if we forget to report on it

The Light and Shade Challenge

The Light and Shade Challenge

Crackin’ Crawdads

In 5 days this kiddo will have been without his father for 2 years … He is being a little passive agressive… I am being a little smothery…. Mr. Amazing and I took him to one of his favorite memory spots of his father… he ate two bucket fulls… (freaking gross!) …

My Dirty Little Secret…

I am sitting here behind this screen right now squealing like a little girl over the latest Star Wars teaser trailer… SQUEE!

There was a time that being a Star Wars fan was cool… I am over 40 …I am a woman… BUT! GUYS! the first movie I ever saw in a theater was The Empire Strikes Back… The imperial march starts playing… and my heart starts pounding…. I pretend I am a Star Fighter when driving through that kinda snow that comes straight at your windshield …I have found a way to work “Luke… I am your father” into 75% of the conversations I have had in my life…

There… I said it… I feel like there should be a support group for this.

And quite possibly that is all it took to get out of my writers slump…

Live Long and Prosper? *MicDrop*

Blah Blah Blah

I have zero desire to blog… I have zero motivation to do anything really… I have probably gained 20 pounds.. I am fat… I ate nachos for dinner… that’ll help… I am thinking it is planetary alignment or some other bullshit thing like that… seems to be in the air…  Ive got to do something different.

I have slipped into habits that I haven’t had in years… the house is trashed… we are eating out every meal… it is this ugly vicious cycle that I get into… when eating out, I eat more, I feel worse… I do less… rinse and repeat.

I know this cycle… I know great things will follow… I’ve got to do something…

anyways… I have been putting up stupid writers block pictures for a week so you would know I havent abandoned my blog…

I guess I am writing this post to let myself know, I havent abandoned myself either.

Tomorrow is Monday, a new week…. I can make so something different.. just one thing… I can do that much.


I will let you know how that goes.


Writers Block

Ive been missing… Ive missed all my writers prompts… I looked over this weeks and felt unprompted….


The Leprechauns have landed!


Well the year had finally come that St. Patricks Day fell on a day that smallest child was at her Mom’s for the holiday… I knew last year it was coming so I put in a little extra effort into the prank until the St. Patricks Day eve was upon us and we got a tearful call from that co-parent… She hadn’t realized how much smallest child was looking forward to it… smallest child could be heard in the background screaming “If there is no Leprechauns, then there is no Santa, no Easter Bunny, no Tooth Fairy… ” and so on… we thought she had reached the age of not believing and treated her accordingly… only to realize at the last moment that she might still need/want to believe… we figured it out when she was berating her Mom with lines such as “You are ruining my childhood!” … Soooo what is any stepmother supposed to do that has created this monster? I put in a quick call on the Leprechaun line… they managed to pull off a miracle… and her childhood was saved!

They tiptoed outside her Moms apartment... sneaking up to her car... as it was too late to get into the abode.

They tiptoed outside her Moms apartment… sneaking up to her car… as it was too late to get into the abode.

They busted into the car in a flurry of green glitter and shamrock confetti!

They busted into the car in a flurry of green glitter and shamrock confetti!

They left their wisely worded note...

They left their wisely worded note…

And goodies for the wee lass... including her half sister... the wee-er lass

And goodies for the wee lass… including her half sister… the wee-er lass

And that is the story of how we saved St. Patricks Day

And that is the story of how St. Patricks Day was saved!


Tall Child was not forgotten in all of this… he was rewarded with gold coins of his own for his help in the Leprechaun Miracle


(You may want to visit our Leprechauns past visits… they are quite evil)

I have had people bemoan my Leprechaun Loyalty in the past… there was the one year a wee lass at school didn’t believe in my smalls Leprechauns

So we helped her build a trap (actually a house because she was afraid of hurting them)

So we helped her build a trap (actually a house because she was afraid of hurting them) The Leprechauns broke into her house (They may have known where the key was hidden and played… quite messily in their kitchen and left some treats!)

And if that is a bit of the stretch from the original prompt I apologize … But you can’t talk about being tricked without a little Leprechaun story!

Writing Prompt :A Time I Was Tricked

Writing Prompt :A Time I Was Tricked