And then he was 14…


You are horrified… no doubt… that I am writing about you on your birthday.

Perhaps if I were a better mother… I’d save this letter… give it to you privately. But I’m your mother… some days better than other days… and today… while you sleep I wrap your gifts …  minecraft … spiderman… you really are still you…

Did you know that when you were two years old… you clapped liked a crazy man on my birthday? Every candle I blew out… every gift I opened… you clapped and clapped in excitement…  I don’t remember what the cake looked like… I don’t remember what gifts I received… I just remember your smiling face, your happy eyes, your blonde hair… I’ve hated every birthday of mine… but that one… My gosh, I loved you then.

When you were ten… we had a fight over schoolwork … frustrated… I went to my room and closed my door and screamed at you that I wanted to be alone… And I laid on my bed… trying to figure out how to mother a growing boy with a distinct personality of his own… how to make everything all right… And when you walked into my room, I asked you what you were doing… and I wasn’t kind… And I said, “I don’t know what to do about this.” And you said, “Maybe we could forgive each other.” And that remains the most humbling moment of my life… My gosh, I loved you then.

In your 13th year you buried your father… You played your recital piece for his funeral… for him…  And I knew that I would never have been brave enough to do that … My gosh, I loved you then.

 You made me a mom… And you made being a mom easy.

You… quiet… learning how to be a man while still being a boy…  Sometimes needing me and sometimes not.

And now at 10:09 am… you will be 14… And we’re going to figure this out, you and me… You’re going to figure out how to grow up… And I’m going to figure out how to parent you as you do… we will mess up… I will make mistakes… so will you… I’m going to try to hug you in public… your going to make inappropriate jokes… we are going to forgive each other… we are going to survives this… because… My gosh, I love you in this moment.

Happy Birthday Angel Boy.



The Lake – Edgar Allan Poe

Unplugged all weekend

Unplugged all weekend

In youth’s spring, it was my lot
To haunt of the wide earth a spot
The which I could not love the less;
So lovely was the loneliness
Of a wild lake, with black rock bound.
And the tall pines that tower’d around.
But when the night had thrown her pall
Upon that spot — as upon all,
And the wind would pass me by
In its stilly melody,
My infant spirit would awake
To the terror of the lone lake.
Yet that terror was not fright —
But a tremulous delight,
And a feeling undefin’d,
Springing from a darken’d mind.
Death was in that poison’d wave
And in its gulf a fitting grave
For him who thence could solace bring
To his dark imagining;
Whose wild’ring thought could even make
An Eden of that dim lake.
Edgar Allan Poe

Internet… Meet my paint room

mama kats“Give us a tour of a room in your house you love”

The floor is covered with paint supplies and pillows

The floor is covered with paint supplies and pillows

Unfinished projects and blank canvas lean against the wall

My Treasure boxes are in here

My boo boxes are stored in here

Often bursting at the seams with candles and inscence and writings

Often bursting at the seams with candles and incense and writings


Finished projects hung on the wall (Can you see my angels in there?)


These are textured paintings with granite and clear acrylic… it is hard to see in the picture I suppose… they are made to be touched.

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With my dog in the doorway and my cat at my side (only because that’s where the pillows are!)

I try some new ideas.. combining my writing with my paints…. very rough start


This one is working a bit better

I spend the least amount of time in this room … yet it is my favorite… more time is spent in the kitchen… the smalls rooms … tucked safely in a warm comforter with a book on my bed …  but it is my secret escape… my guilty pleasure… and when I do finally get the chance to be in there… it is savored that much more.

Only the Shadow knows….

Prompted by Mama Kats! I want you to meet Shadow!

mama kats

He is sweet… curious…




















He has fangs… and will fuck you up 🙂

Sleep Tight!
