Summer Vacation? Yes Please!



These are some VERY excited smalls… what was that old saying? No more homework… no more books… no more teachers dirty looks… LOL



and once again… Painted Angels

I have been painting angels for as long as I have been painting… every time I get into my beloved paint room this is what comes of it… Here is my latest from  the time I had on Mothers Day to relax…  I love her.

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What do you do with a day off?


<scratches watching Jillian Michaels burn fat boost metabolism whilst eating popcorn on the couch in pajamas off her bucket list>

My day looked much like this… bahahahahaha

Captain America?? Yes Please

I know that this is supposed to be a Wordless Wednesday post…. but we LOVED the movie!! Consider it a Must See in IMAX 3D



I found the Tardis!!!!

Okay… this is pretty freaking cute… and I know you can’t see it in the image…. so I will explain… above my home is an LDS temple up on the mountain side… right smack dab in the middle of a residential neighborhood… and all around this statuesque building are signs that state “temple parking” …. one night… driving with small child… having one of our “talks” we drive past a house directly across the street from it…. and there is one section of the parkway roped off… and the sign states “Dr. Who Fans Parking” … and on their lawn was THE TARDIS!!!…. so we parked there… and it was very dark… but I jumped out for the photo op because…. HA!… and double HA! HA!

I don’t know who these people are… but I love them… that is all.

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And since this is the closest I ever want to be to the temple… I would like to dedicate this Wordless Wednesday post to my favorite male LDS missionary in the field (and his momma)…. you will have better luck getting people to see temples if you have a Tardis… that is all

If you are in Georgia.... and see this kid... Tell him to get a Tardis!!!

If you are in Georgia…. and see this kid… Tell him he needs a Tardis!