Uhhhh Just because Im like that
Mr. Amazing, The boot, and I all saw a movie Sunday night… Somehow managed to get out of the house without noticing I wasnt wearing a shoe on the other foot… He looked at me horrified when I realized as my barefoot hit the pavement in the parking lot… I just tucked a hand on his arm and said “Just don’t look at it, No one will notice”
(Pics or it didn’t happen!!! Ha ha! I took the pic as the screen was telling me to shut off my phone!)
Ummm I usually try to tell you why I like or didn’t like a movie without actually saying anything that could be considered a spoiler… However… This movie was horrible… No character development… lame ass CG animals… Shady dwarves… (The queen was great!) … people were dying all over the place… and they hadn’t taken the time to attach you to any of them… it was bad… Netflix will have it shortly… wait for it if you us see it… or skip it all together… Kristen looked like what I have always envisioned a real snow-white like… stunningly beautiful… and then when she opened her mouth… or reacted to a situation… it ruined it… and it was very much just like watching bella bleed out on the table again… lame sauce…. There I said it. Hi Ho! its off to work I go 🙂
When Mr. Amazing and I were dating I told him I looovveeedd scary movies, and we went through a time when he tried to show me scary movies… all of which I hated…(Pandorum being the movie I hated most of all) … I in turn showed him anything and everything by Wes Craven… Stephen King…. etc… and he just rolled his eyes and we agreed that we liked scary movies for different reasons… I dont like being scared… I like the warped sense of humor that comes in those movies… Seriously… Freddie Krueger… being my all time favorite.
Mr. Amazing would regale me with tales of hiding from his parents behind the couch to watch “Alien” and being absolutely terrified … I of course having an older brother had seen it… but it had been so many years I couldn’t remember anything but the alien coming out of Sigourney Weavers faux uterus… so we watched it.. and mr. amazing prepared to laugh as I shrieked and screamed… I laughed through the whole movie… to the point of tears when the creepy robot man melted… Much to the dismay of Mr. Amazing… WOW thats a hell of a lead into Prometheus… but I must say it was required because there was a lot of pressure on this movie date this weekend…. He so wanted it to be everything alien wasn’t… he didn’t want me to laugh…. oh my hell… I laughed… and laughed… the entire audience was laughing… and we kept rolling our eyes … and saying “ridiculous”… but were still completely enraptured with the scenery… and the gruesomeness… and then we jumped in our seats a little… and had some nostalgic feel good moments…. questioned the existence of God… and laughed again as some people died… because well… you will just have to see it for yourself… and that is the whole point of this really… see it for yourself… because at the end of all of the “oh my gods” and “oh puhleezes”… I realized that it was probably one of the most entertaining two hours all weekend… and I loved it… and Just like I dont like Freddy for scary… I dont like prometheus for a good alien flick (there isn’t a good alien sci fi flick as far as Im concerned… other than Star Trek) But that it was awesome.. and warped.. and a lot of fun! (btw. The opening 10 minutes of the film in Imax 3d were AMAZING!, absolutely breathtaking)
Perhaps everyday needs a fucking theme…. Soooo I feel like you have been deprived of Mr. Amazing and I’s g-chats… I will skip the political rhetoric… and move you straight into this… because well… its Friday 🙂
me: I love you! Im drinking coffee… in the afternoon… I havent done this in months… I have the worst headache… its all magic
Mr. Amazing: oh man, my back hurts, and I am starving, and my head feels …I can’t think of the word, like it’s full of fudge
me: Mmmm fudge
Mr. Amazing: do you want to eat my brains
me: YES!
Mr. Amazing: I bet they don’t taste like fudge but I am told brains have the consistency of jello stringy jello
me: Warm jello or cold jello
Mr. Amazing: warm, bloody, jello
me: Im feeling a little queezy
Mr. Amazing: sorry
… If you read this you know… I don’t ever really write about my depression directly… but it plays such an active part of my life that you find it in my writing… in my storytelling… in the events of my life… I have a list of “go to” songs… Things that pull me out of that dark place I never talk about… I’ve always called them my theme songs… and change them up based on what is happening in my life… I love music… Thus hatched the thought of Theme Song Thursdays…. I was inspired this morning… driving in my car… Thinking of everything I haven’t accomplished… Who I (in my mind) am letting down… How I am falling behind… never enough… always too much… those types of thoughts… When This popped on the radio… Which began an entire Behind the wheel choreographed dance routine for all of those commuting with me… Truer words have never been sung… I just thought I might not be the only one who needed them this week….
Remember, If music, or any other of the tools you use aren’t working… tell someone…
“Depression Lies” – The Bloggess
THIS ADORABLE MAN! was the doorman at The Pestana Palace Hotel (yes it really was a palace we stayed in, that was converted into a hotel… its gardens were the most beautiful thing I have seen…) Everyday when he would open the door for me he would tip his hat and say in perfect english “Good Day Miss” I wanted to record him doing it… he was a little affronted by that, but did agree to let us snap a picture of him, as you can tell from his smile, I don’t think he minded the attention too awful bad… could he be any cuter?
Beautiful spring evening… returned from a delicious dinner with Mr. Amazing… Let the beast outside to pee…. Peek down the side of the porch to see if the Sprinkler “key” is there… I really should water the lawn…. BAM! Biff! Boom! (Like on the batman cartoon dammit!)… Yeah… so I fell off the porch… rolled the shit out of my ankle… wrenched my back… bruised the crap out of places I havent even discovered yet… and figured you all should read this (you know… the post about how I am a clutz… yeah that one… people seemed to like it when I first posted it)… It will be a tradition… At some point I will compile them all…