… Prometheus… Two arms up!!

When Mr. Amazing and I were dating I told him I looovveeedd scary movies, and we went through a time when he tried to show me scary movies… all of which I hated…(Pandorum being the movie I hated most of all)  … I in turn showed him anything and everything by Wes Craven… Stephen King…. etc… and he just rolled his eyes and we agreed that we liked scary movies for different reasons… I dont like being scared… I like the warped sense of humor that comes in those movies… Seriously… Freddie Krueger… being my all time favorite.

Mr. Amazing would regale me with tales of hiding from his parents behind the couch to watch “Alien” and being absolutely terrified … I of course having an older brother had seen it… but it had been so many years I couldn’t remember anything but the alien coming out of Sigourney Weavers faux uterus… so we watched it.. and mr. amazing prepared to laugh as I shrieked and screamed…  I laughed through the whole movie… to the point of tears when the creepy robot man melted… Much to the dismay of Mr. Amazing… WOW thats a hell of a lead into Prometheus… but I must say it was required because there was a lot of pressure on this movie date this weekend…. He so wanted it to be everything alien wasn’t… he didn’t want me to laugh…. oh my hell… I laughed… and laughed… the entire audience was laughing… and we kept rolling our eyes … and saying “ridiculous”… but were still completely enraptured with the scenery… and the gruesomeness… and then we jumped in our seats a little… and had some nostalgic feel good moments….  questioned the existence of God… and laughed again as some people died… because well… you will just have to see it for yourself… and that is the whole point of this really… see it for yourself… because at the end of all of the “oh my gods” and “oh puhleezes”… I realized that it was probably one of the most entertaining two hours all weekend… and I loved it… and Just like I dont like Freddy for scary… I dont like prometheus for a good alien flick (there isn’t a good alien sci fi flick as far as Im concerned… other than Star Trek) But that it was awesome.. and warped.. and a lot of fun! (btw. The opening 10 minutes of the film in Imax 3d were AMAZING!, absolutely breathtaking)

… Funday Friday?

Perhaps everyday needs a fucking theme…. Soooo I feel like you have been deprived of Mr. Amazing and I’s g-chats… I will skip the political rhetoric… and move you straight into this… because well… its Friday 🙂

me: I love you! Im drinking coffee… in the afternoon… I havent done this in months… I have the worst headache… its all magic

Mr. Amazing: oh man, my back hurts, and I am starving, and my head feels …I can’t think of the word, like it’s full of fudge

me: Mmmm fudge

Mr. Amazing: do you want to eat my brains

me: YES!

Mr. Amazing: I bet they don’t taste like fudge but I am told brains have the consistency of jello stringy jello

me: Warm jello or cold jello

Mr. Amazing: warm, bloody, jello

me: Im feeling a little queezy

Mr. Amazing: sorry


I couldn’t come up with any other legitimate reason to use the word “clit” in my blog… But this week… It happened…

If you’ve been reading this for a while, you know that I make a half assed attempt to write one of Mama Kat’s  writing prompts from her writers workshop each week… well… because she is amazing… and two… I love the opportunities to work these stories into my blog, and just when I couldn’t come up with any other legitimate reason to use the word “clit” in my blog… this week… It happened… she gave me that reason… And I couldn’t pass it up… But there was another prompt that also made me smile when I read it… So I am writing both…

1.) Is your child a morning person? Share a story, picture or list of reasons that supports your opinion.
2.) I almost named my child _______, but chose _______ instead because…


It’s a BOGO… Buy One Get One…. even though you didn’t really buy anything at all… and chances are you are going to find these stories less hilarious and endearing than I do… well because he is Mine… and I love him

I Almost named my child “Tattianna Dawn”, But chose Johnathon instead because… About my fourth ultra sound at 21 weeks (I was a very High Risk Pregnancy, having miscarried several before, and being told I would never have a child) the Ultrasound technician said… “and this little line of pearls are his spine”… “hers” I corrected… they had told me two times with two previous ultra sounds that it was a girl… I had bought the fairy wall paper trim… and had the diaper bag embroidered with her name… and put up the wall stickers… and bought the crib bedding .. and bumpers… and “No, His” she corrected me… “They said it was a girl” I repeated calmly… monotone…. menacingly… “Well…” Zooms in on vital organ… “That is either the biggest clit I have ever seen… or you are having a boy” and I stared in awe at the monitor… and exchanged everything tearfully for Winnie the pooh … the tears of sadness and exchanging of pink for blue were exchanged for tears of joy only nine weeks later (very early) when my healthy little (really little 5pd) boy arrived and I never ever would’ve imagined having him be anyone else….

<Spongebob Voice> Thirteen Years Later 

(almost… thirteen years in about 6 weeks! from this morning!!)

6:30 am – Open Door “Good Morning sweet boy! Wake up! Last week of School”

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Gutteral groan, full of drool gurgles… burrows deeper into bed

“Get up! We don’t want to be late”

“Unnnngggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Gutteral groan,lifts pillow… Buries head under it

I walk over to the bed and rub the small of his back… His knees are tucked up under him… still… just like I have found him every morning since I can remember… Butt in the air…. I smooth back his once baby soft blonde hair, that is now course and thick… and still the color of straw away from his face and look at his perfect little squinched eyes… beautiful skin with one almond-shaped freckle on his nose (it really is almond-shaped… I didn’t know that happened) and I pull out the Mom voice “Dude”….. A smile spreads across that face… because he knows he has gotten under my skin… “Now”…

“Grrrrrrrr” flings the pillow at the cat that is sleeping at his feet and glares at the window and the light coming through it… as if asking “How dare the sun rise”…. tosses back his covers… and I exit the room… running into Mr Amazing in the hall….

“There is a Zombie in there this morning”

“Uhhhhhhhhhggggggg!!!” from behind the shut door…. Small Child is not a morning person.

MIB3 … Just once…

You know what? … knowing I hate sequels (especially by the third) … knowing that the actors that I once loved…. are well… old…figuring that there was just nothing more ridiculous to add to the story… I didn’t think there was anyway I would end up at Men in Black 3 this weekend… Small child however… well… he had different plans… He LOVES the first two… and when he saw the trailer for the third was so excited… So we took him… and just prepared to blow 40 bucks on a bad show… to make him happy… THEN magic happened…. I LOVED it… it had every feel good thing about the Men in Black series… the songs in the background… the familiar banter between the beloved, well aged actors…. It was Cheesy… Over the Top… and Perfect! The aliens were a 100 times cooler… and I even allowed myself to get past the cheesiness of it… and really tear up at the end… It’s okay to let that happen sometimes…. I loved it! The violence was not gross… the language was tame… no over the top sexual innuendos… I’m not even sure why it was PG13…. See it… If you’re a fan…(I’m totally over the 3D fad… but this was worth it in 3D… very cool effects)


… Refer to Exhibit A

Beautiful spring evening… returned from a delicious dinner with Mr. Amazing… Let the beast outside to pee…. Peek down the side of the porch to see if the Sprinkler “key” is there… I really should water the lawn…. BAM! Biff! Boom! (Like on the batman cartoon dammit!)… Yeah… so I fell off the porch… rolled the shit out of my ankle… wrenched my back… bruised the crap out of places I havent even discovered yet… and figured you all should read this (you know… the post about how I am a clutz… yeah that one… people seemed to like it when I first posted it)… It will be a tradition… At some point I will compile them all…

Ring of fire Solar Eclipse … 5 Eclipse Myths… and some moral integrity!

We are fortunate enough to live in the path of this years solar eclipse… Mr amazing stood in line at the local planetarium for 45 minutes to get us glasses… They were completely sold out… by the end of the day….

This image was actually captured with Mr Amazing’s cell phone… through the glasses film… from our driveway… 

I know that in our days, eclipses aren’t a big mystery — they occur when the moon passes between Earth and the sun. But imagine what they used to think!! Throughout history, the sun’s significance, along with its mysteriousness, have yielded an array of solar myths… There are five… Really cool myths about eclipses on  livescience.com

And you can read about those… and see a million beautiful eclipse pictures on the front page of every newspaper and magazine today… But something getting a lot less coverage is 75,000 people converging on Chicago yesterday for the NATO protest was also pretty amazing…. Just felt it was my moral obligation to make sure you know about both

My life… in song form

My younger years….

My Teen Years …

Motherhood …

Divorce ….

Finding my strength again…

Meeting Mr. Amazing…

I have to wonder what song will be next… any suggestions for what it is??



This was prompted by… Thanks!!!

Why he is Named Mr. Amazing… (I hope this makes the rest of you want to throw up a little)

This isn’t a real post… its more of a thought capture inspired by the comments of my spouses nick name… Mr Amazing… I get super mushy when I’m sleepy… I think the funniest thing about this whole post… Is I just became… “that girl”… you know.. that girl.. that publicly does stuff like this…

…You wake up at all hours to help me through the times that I can’t sleep…. You change tactics and approaches, and find ways to comfort me in the middle of the night so that I can get some sleep … We are both sleep deprived and if not for the help of tea/coffee we would be asleep on our feet…. I am so lucky to have someone who experiences everything right alongside me…. I never feel as if I am doing it all…. Have I thanked you for that? Thank you… Thank you for doing so incredibly much…  When I said I do, I meant it for life… You taught me that even I am capable of  really loving someone unconditionally… You have loved me through my ups and downs and I have loved you through yours. We fit together so perfectly how could I NOT believe that I was made for you and you were made for me? Thank you for being exactly who you are because for me… you are perfect…. I hope that you know how much I appreciate all that you do for our little family… how hard you work to support us… and how much of yourself you give to us… I love you more today than I did yesterday… it happens everyday…. You make me feel safe… loved… and appreciated…. Sure we argue… we panic… we aren’t perfect… but I believe that we grow more resiliant from it… from the communication that comes from it…. You taught me that…I love our life and the family we have become…. I know we will grow old together…

Dark Shadows… MmmmmHmmmm

This weekend Mr. Amazing and I saw Dark Shadows on an Imax screen… I will say I was shocked to see some families with youngsters in there (one couple brought a toddler… seriously people) … Shocked, because the previews had made it pretty clear there was a lot of sexual innuendos… (Sign me up for some sexual innuendos Depp style please!) … I went in with high expectations… and I was not disappointed… Tim Burton magic occurred… I would see it again! I would not let my almost 13 year old see it, despite its PG13 rating however… so be warned… It was clever… original… funny… and creepy all wrapped into one.. and the witch was a litch (Apparently you have to be a D&D fan to get this reference) .. and one of the better characters ever created! Loved it! Plus… well… Johnny Depp….