We enjoyed the break between Christmas and New Years as a family… part of that time believe it or not was spent outdoors… Even us big kids joined in … bahahaha so the funny thing about this post is… as I started to type this I thought MY GOD… I’m writing a normal post! that never ever happens! I’m sharing normal family winter fun… I open the pictures on this cute little mac and they are all turned the right direction… and BOOM … I am normal!!! I load them into wordpress… and well…. here you go… I swear… just tilt your damn head.
This post is brought to you by the letters M and K and the number 1
MamaKats is number 1!!
I was begging Mr. Amazing by the day after Christmas to help me take down the Christmas decorations (By help me, I mean take them down because he has this knack for not throwing things in boxes in a mad panic to get the shit out of the house, and like actually wraps the breakable precious stuff… while I sit on the couch and drink coffee… because he is scared I am going to touch something or put something away “my way” it is a win win situation) and he in return is pleading with my to leave it up until New Years… and he swears it will get done… I concede… because… well… he is cute. I read on facebook and visit friends who are packing up their trees as quickly as possible… it seems like a race this year to get the decorations down… and I ponder a moment the old superstition of if it was a good year, you leave it up to flow into the next, and if not… you take it down and leave it behind by the New Year… people really do this… I swear… I am not making this shit up… and I think about it… Would I leave 2013 behind?
A lot happened in the year… My Sons father died… I became a Grandma again… Life had its normal ups and downs… we went to DisneyLand…
I had my normal ups and downs... I survived…. I decided to write a book … but I didn’t…. yet?
I lost a dear friend… and gained a cookie wife (I always had her… now I just have cookies too!)
I turned 40
Small Child started shaving…. KILL ME DEAD
I don’t think I broke anything this year… but I did spent a night in the ER with a 104 fever getting fluids…
I am pretty sure I do not buy into the whole christmas tree removal superstition… But I do know for every experience I would like to leave in the past… I had two that I would love to keep in my heart through the next year…
The tree came down on New Years Day… I drank all the coffees…. Bring on 2014
I am cheating… lets just get that out of the way right now… because there is a conversation that happened tonight … between Small Child and Mr. Amazing (Who I understand technically is not a kid… but he plays video games… and makes up song lyrics about pooping… and twerks … so I rest my case) … and I am going to have to paraphrase a bit… even though this took place only an hour and a half ago… memories get sketchy under great duress… so you get the following
Mr Amazing: Dude, that stache has got to go… Like tonight… I can’t let you go to school again with that on your face… I will get one of your moms razors and some soap and do it if I have too
Small Child: REALLY? Because she won’t let me shave!!
Me: <Nothing because I am DYING INSIDE>
Mr Amazing: He needs to shave it tonight
Small Child: I’ll get the shaving kit!
Tall child gave him this as a gift when he was 12 much to his delight, and much to my dismay, which I promptly took away and “hid” in the top of the hall closet, apparently not fooling anyone because he got it right away
Mr Amazing: You have to charge it first
Small Child flips the switch and it buzz’s to life… assholes.
Mr Amazing: Curl your lip like this and go up and down over it until you get all the hair off
Small Child: Does it hurt?
Mr Amazing: No, its just like getting a hair cut
Small Child: I’m Nervous!
He walks into the bathroom, does the weird poke his lip out wrapping it around his teeth face at the mirror and begins BUTCHERING my very SOUL… I hear the hair cutting from his face… that I had been properly ignoring for the last 30 days or so… as the “peach fuzz” turned brown and no matter how many times I told him to wash his face it just wouldn’t come off
Mr Amazing: You missed a spot!!
Small Child: Did I get it?
Mr Amazing: Hold still … gimme that…
Small Child: I got this!
More buzzing
Mr Amazing: There! Looks much better!
Small Child: Can I use aftershave
AFTER SHAVE??? HE HAS AFTER SHAVE??? Apparently he does! Because he comes back all man smelling.
Me: We are celebrating this manhood with Gingerbread shakes!
Translation: Im eating my feelings… with a Gingerbread Shake!
THE END (of my story, and the conversation, and my sanity and HIS CHILDHOOD! Dammit)
I don’t even know if this is really a post… I guess it isnt really… I just needed somewhere to say it all.
I’m typing this while listening to my favorite Jewish man in the whole wide world sings christmas songs…. LOL It is fitting seeing as this is the only time Hanukkah and Thanksgiving will overlap in our life times?
Whilst Tallest child texts me and tells me I am ruining her life because I am not going to my mothers for Thanksgiving (again… in fact… I could be mistaken… I am getting older… but I do believe I have never had a Thanksgiving meal at my mothers home in all of my adult life)
She is joking of course… We are making plans to see each other this weekend at some point…. Small child is with his late fathers parents… and Smallest child is at her mothers this year…. Mr. Amazing and I are going to his mothers… so no cooking for me… or cleaning… or even getting dressed really if I don’t want to… but I will miss seeing the tiniest children of all.
I hate Thanksgiving… I don’t want that to be mistaken for not being thankful… or grateful for all the amazing blessings in my life.
I am so blessed
I have the most amazing people in my life… and they love me…. I them
I have children in my life who I cherish more than I have the ability to express
I have the ability to see beauty in all things.
I am a creation of the most amazing experiences …
I am so grateful for all of these things, I am so grateful for life, and the things that come and go in mine.
I am so thankful for all the people not with their families today, firefighters, service men and woman, police, doctors and nurses.
I am so thankful for this land we live in, even with all its vices.
I am so thankful for the ability to love myself, even though I am very different than what is tradition…
So much love and light to all of you and yours… eat extra stuffing… there is not nearly enough stuffing served at other times of the year.
May your day be merry and bright!
Grandsons & Grandpa.
Real Friends – mine are real & mine rock!
Acts of kindness. “Kindness is my religion” Dalai Lama
Three beautiful children I call my own. (Even if I have to share them)
Iced Coffee – Not just because it started with an I either.
Time, coffee time, dinnertime, family time, extra time, borrowed time.
Unusual circumstances- This is how I met Mr. Amazing, I love him so much!
Dude, this is harder than I thought it would be when I started this.
Everyone reading this blog! TADA! I Fucking Did it!