I have intense seasonal depression, and I have turned it into a positive thing… I count down to spring… I build my fairy city…. today I was late logging into work… because I celebrated by taking an EXTRA long hot shower… taking time to moisturize and dress warmly… followed by making a hot cup of tea in a real mug…. not a disposable and toasted myself a bagel… even though I usually am not a breakfast person… before entering my SpareBedroomPaintroomStorageRoomMeditationRoomArtRoomOffice and lit a small incense and turned out the light so the only glow comes unnaturally from my computer monitor as I type this… and go within
In the coming year… I will celebrate 50 trips around the sun on this tiny rock …. I believe there are some habits I can let go of with the passing of the longest night… and I can welcome some new ones in…. but whether or not I make it through the 50th trip… or do anything beyond exist… I am grateful for this morning… this warm cup of tea… this nourishment… the love that I carry in my heart for people and places and animals… for my eyes that find a beauty in this grey bleak day… and likely it is the lightest today will be… and I am so grateful for my belief that I can make it through the dark that is coming… for it is also my friend… and I know that after today… the light begins its return.
I posted this poem on social media… I do not know who to attribute it to…. but it says perfectly my state of mind today… I hope whoever finds this … also finds rest… and peace… and light inside themselves in the darkness.
At the Solstice, the darkness of winter exerts its power and stakes its claim as the longest night of the year.
Yet, in the next breath, the darkness turns and starts a steady march to the shortest night of the year in summer.
Cycles of our lives. Our days. Our moments.
Hold on to the light. Spring is coming.
May your heart shine bright with peace and joy even in the darkness.
May your Winter Solstice be filled with expanding light, both within and without.