Today You turn 33 years old. It’s been another year – time moving on as though it doesn’t know that there is so much we want to get done before …. well before whatever time we said we would do it before!
This year… in this birthday letter…. this weird ass tradition that I don’t even remember how it got started… I would like to tell you what I have learned from watching you… I have always said it is my children who raised me… you definitely taught me some of the most important life lessons and shaped so much of who I am today.
With its ups and downs and fast pace Life can be distracting. The most important thing you can do is to take time to consider what you’re truly about. I’m not talking about what you own, or who you know.
I’m talking about; strip away labels and the watch you wear all those images you may hold of what ‘making it’ & being big is all about- take away your family & friends (they enrich your life, they don’t define you) and really think, when it comes down to bare bones; what are you about? Are you a kind person? Are you giving? Do you make people feel good about themselves? Are you a happy person? Are you happy with your life and what you do? As human beings we aren’t perfect, so what can you do to improve your shortcomings? What are you truly passionate about? What kind of things make you unhappy and how are you going to try and distance yourself from it? Who are you?
The answers to the above may take a lifetime to discover (that’s the beauty of life), but today on your birthday, I give thanks. I am grateful for being content in who I am and what I am contributing to the world. This sense of purpose drives me.
I believe that you should find Spirit in others- in people’s kindness… in the beauty of ordinary life.
Thank you for being the one to teach me that… it is who I am… my truth… and it is a reflection of you.
Here’s a list of EXACTLY what I learned from watching you (incase you forget that you are light):
- Be kind
- Be grateful. Never take anything for granted- no one owes you anything
- Don’t allow material things to give you value. Create that within yourself
- Find true confidence in knowing who you are- care what people think but don’t let their opinion fundamentally change how you see yourself
- Create happiness- it’s an ongoing act, not a destination
- Give positive energy wherever you go- you’ll get the same thing back
- Respect yourself- never compromise the core of you for anyone
- Time is valuable- if you’re unhappy, make a change and do it quickly
- Nourish your soul & invest in yourself
All my love. All my respect. All my gratitude. Happy Birthday Angel, I am SO proud of you,