… the year he became a dad.
There are no words … no measure … no way to express my feelings… but hey! I’m stubborn! let’s try anyways…
I am writing this here in a bedroom that was once yours… Happy Birthday Johnathon… I do not know a better occasion than now to write to you and tell you a few l things that I want you to know.
It seems like yesterday that I was pregnant with you… I was looking forward to the day I could finally see your face and admire the miracle that you are. Needless to say… I am now looking at a new face… one that looks exactly like yours did.
And you were not just the cutest little miracle baby… but also a sensitive little boy with a good character and an amazing attitude toward life and its challenges. You have that since you were small.
Being a Parent is the hardest job in the world. Of course, there were times where I did not know how to handle you… Yep! I made a lot of mistakes by yelling at you. I’ve been reactive, and you know I did not have a manual on how to educate my child. Nor do you…. No manual can prepare a parent-to-be for parenthood. It is such a unique experience to have this innocent little human being in your arms at first, depending completely on you. And with time, you get more and more influence and responsibility on his evolution. It is the hardest job in the world until it is time to stop doing it… and let them do it with another innocent little human being in their arms.
It is a huge task that one needs to take on every single day consciously. And I know you will do it well… because that is who you are… a man with his heart in the right place.
You will be the best father one can be. You got an excellent example from your own dad when you were young. A fantastic example from the BFG as you got older. Honestly… you have a long trail of the kind of men it takes to love unconditionally. Because, the only task we have as a parent is to love your child unconditionally.
Do you have any idea…. how proud I am to be your mother and grandma to your first born child.
You are the son that every mother can only dream of. I thank the Universe every single day for giving me you.
I promise you that I will be the best grandmother… Know that you and your family will always be welcome and loved unconditionally. I thank you with all my heart for being the man you are.
Once I became a mother myself… I understood my purpose so much better.
Take good care of yourself… please do not forget to take good care of yourself and to put yourself first. A parent who loves himself and practices daily conscious self-care is proven to be a better parent because one cannot give love from an empty vessel.
One last thing… your child is SO LUCKY to have you as his and come into your family. I cannot wait to see the shenanigans you two get up too…
Love you always… Happy Birthday Bug.