I headed out for some imaging of the previous posts mentioned thingy (it was hidden under all my Black Lives Matter stuff So YES you have to read that to find it bahahahaha)… I do not for the life of me understand people’s excuses for not wearing a mask… I mean I’m making excuses to wear em… look how adorable I am! Yep- I’m 46… and yep I love my kitty cat mask! 😹
The cute ladies in imaging burst into giggles upon sight of me… and it totally made my day… because you know… we know each other… I feel like I live here.
Meow Rawr – Dream On!! bahahahaha
Friday was an amazing day… I donated my painting to the March happening here on Juneteenth!!
I let the organizer know that I didn’t want it back… that it would find itself a home after the march… and now I’m not crying… you’re crying… HUGE crocodile tears when you see who took it home and hung it on their wall
Then Late that evening I started getting messages… and apparently I am famous now… bahahaha I’ll be doing autographs at ten.
Okay I feel like we are pretty caught up- so lets talk pandemic again…. The numbers Globally are skyrocketing… and the one campaign promise Agent Orange 45 kept was that America would be number one again… thanks for that asshat.
United States of America 2,208,829 cases 118,895 deaths (6/21/2020)
Medical Experts are sounding alarms… Governments are focused on reopening …. Trump wants to test less… so we do not raise numbers? yeah… its going well.
In that spirit we moved back to car adventures with the tinies… we went to the drive in Saturday… and oh man… my heart just sings everytime I see these faces.
I get airhugs- She gets real hugs… Ill take it!My Tall child and her Tiny’s in her carUs in ours… we don’t always wear masks… since we live together… but smallest child has been practicing some social distancing and having a social life… so we were safe for this close up photo.
The greatest part of the evening was when I taught them how to scare off bees… and had them screaming BOO BEES at the top of their lungs much to their mothers dismay.
I do not know what is next… I do not know the point of this post… I just needed to get it all out… something tells me there is going to be a lot coming at me… and I needed to be ready to deal with it… so vomiting what I am holding in my mind into the keyboard is the answer. Love and Light to you and yours 🙂
From the Salt Lake Tribune on this day!!!on Juneteenth friends!!! Here!! Its like a dream to me!!
So I cannot march… we are still in a pandemic… so instead I painted… donated… and then donated my painting… They will carry it on their March in my tiny town for me.
These were the iconic protest signs from each of these incidents… there are thousands more to be named… I chose the ones that I had nightmares about.
There is A LOT going on!!! What a time to be alive!! and I am alive!!!
Update on the ongoing novel Corona virus- Covid-19
Total (new cases in last 24 hours) (6/17/2020) Globally 8 061 550 cases (119 759) 440 290 deaths (5 494)
There is hope still… antibodies are being worked on… so are vaccines… the mask war is similar to the BlackLivesMatter debates… and I have kind of noticed the non mask people tend to be non movement people as well… not a blanket statement at all! it is not true for all… but It does point out that the media of our choosing does feed information differently. I am Pro Movement – and I wear a mask EVERY SINGLE TIME. I painted the virus also… painting is how I process… it is how I take my feelings and put them on the outside… organize them… and share them….
I finished this as May 2020 was finishing
Speaking of alive now that I have chased off those who left due to my stance… here are notes from my Doctors visit this Monday..
PE stands for Patient Exam… and yes my friends… it is tumor time again
But… I am alive… and so full of hope! It is small… and to quote the doctor “It is most likely benign again… but we will check… we are going to get it out and check”
I’m sure you realize this if you remember my last tumor and its painting… I have a TON of feelings… hence the street art project… ha ha!
I love you guys… mostly my kids (WHO I AM SO PROUD OF) but sincerely I love you… if you are thinking how can I love you… I may not even know you… well simple… if people can hate for no reason… then I can love.
Stay safe, Stay well, I am still alive… and plan to stay that way.
Everything I wanted to say here… I said in an email already…So I’m just gonna cut and paste it here LOL Yep- I’m that lazy…
I don’t really know how things are out there either, I know the rec center is open again, and the library… I think over the next week we will see even more changes. I am surprisingly doing great since the zinc incident…. I never realized over the last year how much my face had changed as that jaw and cheek bone (not to mention spine) were under duress…. as the bone is growing back in thanks to the graft that I was positive wouldn’t work on me… my face is changing dramatically – at first I thought it was swelling… but i could feel it in my cheek bones…. and someone on a conference call online commented on it that could see me in my webcam…. so I knew it wasn’t in my head… so I went through some photos… and found photos of myself a year ago….
I ran into an old friend and took a selfie with him, look at my teeth first off… just one year ago… full and white… and my cheekbones high Then looked at one of my in february…. drinking tigers eye from a bottle (jokingly) during legislation
obviously by this point I was hiding my teeth at work… but you can tell anyways… my cheeks are completely hollow and goneso slowly I guess I didn’t notice…. but the regrowth back so fast I felt like I didn’t look like myself… however… pictures prove… I look exactly like myself again… I kinda like that!Here I am this morning! Look! Cheeks!
The other thing I’ve been up too when im not working – is I made this years fairy city video- I don’t know if I told you I make a video that just highlights it all… for my memories… Here I am attaching this years and last years links. its been an interesting fairy season to say the least.
my email to Christine while shes been in quarantine at an airbnb
I have a lot going on right now… I havent stopped crying for two days… okay I have… for a few hours here and there… but then with no rhyme or reason my heart starts pounding… and tears run so fast down my face again that I literally wet the neck of my shirt… they seem endless…
Today I have having all the teeth on the top of my mouth pulled… Ive blogged about whats going on with that… so today Im going Old School denture… like a Fixadent Grandma… fitting I suppose.. since I am a Grandma… I cant do any implants or clips or anything… because we do not even know if I will heal…. So that’s that… I cannot tell if the tears are my subconscious processing all that or not… but my logical brain reminds me… its okay… its just teeth (or gums as the case may be) that I will be alive and okay… because my body doesnt know any of that… and it is reacting like im in immediate danger…
Maybe its the Global Pandemic… Globally, as of 1 June 2020, there have been 6,057,853 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 371,166 deaths, reported to WHO…. Ive blogged many times about it… not for a few weeks however..
But that is not what is making Twitter sad…
Here is the Algorithm of Twitter Here are the words associated with the Saddest weekend ever on twitter
“The Country is on fire” is what people keep saying… well I suppose thats true… there were cars flipped and lit on fire… Riots broke out in cities all over the country… Protest with THOUSANDS are happening in New Zealand and London… and those are the only ones Ive caught wind of as I am desperately trying to practice some self care until I can feel less crazy … Ive been avoiding the news… yesterday I literally blocked myself from twitter for 10 hours… so I couldn’t read… I tried to open the app no less than 30 times while I had it blocked. I finally unblocked myself again… I have to know… I have to witness… Im so sad… like twitter… so sad…
We need to talk about white privilege because women need positive messages… support and encouragement… to overthrow unfair expectations… but I keep being toold that colors need to stop making excuses.
We need to talk about white privilege because I am so damn sick of hearing about black-on-black crime without hearing that 84% of US murdered white people* are white on white (http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf). And that’s not the damn point anyway.
We need to talk about white privilege because I didnt want my son growing up in a world where people are treated differently because of how they look. BUT HE DID… I DIDNT WANT MY DAUGHTERS CHILDREN BEING RAISED IN THAT WORLD EITHER… BUT THEY ARE
We need to talk about white privilege because that in no way takes away from rich privilege… or male privilege (or sometimes female privilege)… or Christian privilege… or high IQ privilege… or having a PhD privilege.
We need to talk about white privilege because it is oppressing people… and people are dying because of it.
Please.. let’s talk about white privilege.
This IS a very hard post to write. But I don’t want to be someone who buries this in the sand… and won’t acknowledge it…. and let it continue. I want to talk about… understand… and remove white privilege.
How about we start by keeping Martin Luther King out of our white mouths for a few days… That was everyones response… why can’t you be like him… acknowledge the reason he had a platform to be heard was on the backs and shoulders of the riots and violence the… MalcomX… the Panthers… or he would never have been heard… and when he was MURDERED… 110 cities rioted again.
How about we just admit Colin Kaepernick was RIGHT THE WHOLE TIME.
And people hated him for it.
I honest to god know this is justified… It just hurts my heart SO MUCH that we are here again… The police here in Salt Lake City were amazing… They stood and watched for 13 hours as their car and another was flipped and lit on fire… they stood still as protestors wrote terrible things all over our pristine WHITE capital building. They never once moved against them. Here in utah the Majority of protestors were white… I mean… we arent exactly diverse here… I dont know the numbers but I do know every time I have an out of town guest come… they are shocked.
So though I do not condone the violence… I understand it… it is justified… I am white… SO WHITE… but I support… witness… donate… and LOVE. Please know that… I am hopeful for our Murder Hornet filled futures….
Excuse me now… I gotta go have all these teeth ripped from my mouth now.
I love you guys.
Last thought- Is our girdle wearing… makeup wearing leader… still down in his bunker… refreshing his phone like a mad man and tweeting??? Be BETTER THAN HIM!