Funny… as I use this blog more regularly through this than I have in years and year… that today I will use it to find my way back to a happier me. I am not going to spend a great deal of time rehashing my current unhappiness… I think it is self explanatory… I am also not going to rehash my life long battle with depression… that can also be found on this blog… yes… exploring all of those things are in here… self reflection is wonderful… a talent I have forgotten.
There are many things I have found through my life that work… that bring me peace. The only one of them I have been doing is painting… and it dawned on my last night… as I was painting… that there was something I could do right now… without waiting for anyone else… or anything else to happen… and that was to embrace gratitude

So without further ado… here is what I am grateful for at this moment:
Pizza (its my favorite- Ordered in for dinner last night… finished for breakfast this morning)
Charlie Bosephus Princess Fluffy Bottom – My side kick… my daytime companion… she isnt really affectionate… but she does like my body heat … So she sleeps between my legs all day long and well… she is just the cutest thing on the planet to set eyes on…
See I am at a point that I have to grab the closest things possible to be grateful… but now that the state of mind is setting in… I can stretch a little further… This blog… I love it… it truly is me…
The roof over my head… and the residents I share it with… no matter how much we annoy each other… no matter how much I love alone time and solitude… I love them… and am so grateful for them.
My addiction to painting and street art… it is the only service I currently give. I need to do more service at home… under this roof… because I am not currently behaving like I am grateful for them… today I will find a way to serve them all (The cats, the kiddo, mr amazing… and myself)
My health… I know it has been the biggest source of my angst… but it could be worse… and honestly… its not so bad
My Small, My Tall, My Tinies… This goes without saying
My friends… soul families… and sometimes even my blood family
New books… as the prequel to the Hunger Games came out today… and I fully intend to read it… beginning today.
Nature… an all it encompasses… the good… the bad… the scary… ugly… and the beauty.
So I am looking to heal…. gratitude is the start… but from this list I see many things I could do… on the daily… to improve my life… Sooooo im not really a goal setter… but here goes… Small bite sized goal
Today (no promise of tomorrow) I will show my gratitude for each of these things… I will find a way to thank my house family… to serve them… I will reach out to my out of house group… and remind them I love them… I will speak to one friend/soul family… I will spend a moment in nature… outside of my car… I will start that book… I will do something around this house I am grateful for… and something to stretch this body… that I am grateful for.
I sincerely hope with all of my being that whomever reads this … has a good day… and if not today… know that some day… some eventual tomorrow… will look different than this… and be grateful for all of it.