Today is your birthday – a milestone birthday… And I finally remembered to blog on it! It truly seems like just yesterday when you came to my family… I can say My… Because I am the constant in our ever changing modge podge magical family.
You were young and confused… and most days as we continued down this road to happy destiny… it really felt like it was just you and me against the world.
From day one… you taught me one of the most precious lessons humans can learn – how fierce love can be. You made me realize a mother lion lived inside of me… and I have called on that lion multiple times to your benefit… your brothers benefit… and Miss B’s as well. My lion is a timid kitten compared to what yours has evolved too… never… never in my life… have I seen anyone better being a Mom… than you.
I had you through your school years… I believe your zeal to discover and understand coupled with your ability to acquire knowledge so easily molded you into the smart hardworking woman that you are today.
I worried a bit as moves or other circumstances beyond our control caused a change in schools every couple of years for you, but those experiences seemed to give you confidence, a sense of adventure, and the ability to make new friends.
I blinked once more and Dad and I were unloading the car and moving you into your college dorm room… so proud of you and your accomplishments. Accomplishments are not measured in degree…. income… or any of the other little check boxes society gives us as a road map… they are measure in Joys… and you have many.
My angel girl, you have amazed me As you reach this milestone birthday – your 30th – you have accomplished so much. You have proved how adventuresome you are. How strong you are.
You demonstrated your bravery and independence when you’ve taken changes and even set-backs in stride and your strong belief in the good in the world.
You are funny. You are loyal. You are intelligent. You are assertive. And you are so much more daring than your mother!
You are determined whether it is running half-marathons (I don’t speak runner… whatever the running thing is you are doing LOL) or accomplishing a task in the most accurate… precise way. You always strive for the best and even though you think you’ve not always succeeded, to me you always surpass! I always feel like you think I am biased… so I always tell you the things I overhear… The BFG is continually mind blown over how much you have accomplished… You have always been your brothers hero… and now you can add Miss B to that list of people looking up to you as well.
Beautiful at 30. So Beautiful.
How can I even begin to explain how much I admire these things about you?
This birthday might cause you a bit of trepidation… but do not fear. Turning thirty is just another milestone in the journey of life. I am so proud to be witness to yours. I am so proud to call you mine. I’m so proud of you.
The years to come will be amazing; turning thirty is just the beginning.
I know the Universe has big plans for you too. That you can count on. And you can always count on us to cheer you on!
Happy 30th Birthday, my beloved and beautiful daughter! My Angel Girl.
I Love you… always,