I have never written so little in my life…
I have never gone so long without blogging…
I have never been more sure that it will most likely continue for a while longer… or not… Im not really sure whats next… Today I am checking in…
I suppose that is better than checking out.
Here is a brief captioned visual run down of the last month

Sooo Let me digress slightly to let you know that Small Childs birthday was good… all he wanted was to spend time with Mr Amazing… and we made it so.

These two… I seriously cannot even handle the emotion happening to my face right now…

That day in Park City though I had a weird thing happen… where I couldn’t breathe really well… and my eyes burned…. Two days later I woke up with Pink Eye

It seemed like the appropriate way to celebrate the birth of Tall Childs GIRL!! A GIRL!! (a healthy crying one!)

She was greatly rejoiced and welcomed into the world by all her siblings… but not me… because.. Pink Eye

The very next morning Mr Amazing left for Germany and Prague (Business Travel)

He Humored me by taking selfies….

Because two weeks is a long time to be gone from me…. He missed me…


Then shit hit the fan… Newest tiny addition got sick… very sick at just a few days old…

After an ambulance ride and a horrible spinal tap… Meningitis was diagnosed… It was horrible.

But then she opened them!!! And it was all caused by a virus…

A contagious virus

Pause the drama for some of this… I loved the movie!!!

So much so that because I was so sick I found time to paint finally

Harley isnt done yet… I still need to crazy her up

Little Miss Thing got better slowly… She is three almost four weeks old now.

My Eyes cleared up… Im still struggling with other symptoms… which is leading me to a Urologist who specializes in Oncology on Monday… Yeah… Mic Drop.

But until then… Ill continue wearing my R2D2 socks with my tardis dress to the office like I dont have a care in the world.

Zips still alive.