The Year Twenty Fifteen started like this…. 2015 <– this is a link… it will open in a separate window should you care to read it or here it is paraphrased… I would call that a resolution… a resolution to write more.
I did some serious soul searching in 2015… I took that resolution seriously…I have a story inside of me and I am going to write it.
I QUIT MY JOB of 15 years…. I did that thing! So that I could find balance… so that I could write.
Mr Amazing supported me through it… My Small (who is not so small) encouraged me… asked me how it was coming… Had I written or blogged?
You know… Life is full of ironies… Just as I had cleared the path for myself to really dig in and be who I always wanted to be…. to write:
I painted instead…
I travelled to San Diego… and San Francisco
I caught up with friends
I caught up with my smalls
I cooked… I did really
I colored in those trending Zentangle coloring books… a lot
and yet… once again… I have this darling husband that has renewed my blog/domain… so that it is here… when I am in the mood.
So as I enter 2016 with my life going completely different than I had planned it… working in an office only enough to get by… leaving myself plenty of creative time… I can’t help but marvel at the things I have done… even if they are not what I set out to do.
I am in awe of the happiness I have found.
I am excited for the adventures that will come next… I am feeling quite recharged… Unlike my laptop… who had collected some dust and was dead when this morning I decided I should capture the silence of an empty house (Before the not so small wakes up, sleeping in enjoying his winter break… and before my step small arrives in all her glory… loud loud glory… constantly singing taylor swift at the top of her lungs… cackling like a witch from The Haunting Hour…. and achieving every ballet pose ever learned at an alarming rate of speed… from her other home) WANT TO SEE OUR FAMILY PHOTOS?!?! BAHAHAHA!

Sad little neglected cute purple laptop
And so… My Resolutions for 2016 are not to lose ten pounds (Although it should be)… Or to eat only organic (although that too would be good)… or to drink less (I dont think I could possibly drink any less… ha ha I am not really a drinker)… it is simply this….
A Giant Shout Out to MamaKats! Without her prompts I am not sure I would remember to write at all…… I chose the fifth prompt this week “Look back at the resolution you made last year at this time, how did you do?” Go grab a prompt of your own… and do all the things!