This week’s prompt – The last time you were sick…
My brain is mush … I have soooooo much snot … leaking from every orifice .. I am gleaking (just trying to give you a mental image) from the corners of my eyes when I sneeze… which is often…. I am incapable of blogging in this state… Which is why I chose this prompt… also… I think I am funny….Hell… I think everything is funny today… Here have this Gchat conversation rather than me explaining… I think it says it all…Send help… or cheese.
me: When I laugh I sound like that dog on Duck Hunt… Just sayin… LOL and I think everything is sooo funny today
Mr Amazing: you sound like wooof…wooof…woo
me: Nooooo When he snickers when you miss the ducks!
Mr Amazing: sssss..ssssss..
me: YEAH! Like that And It hurts to breathe…I think it is lack of oxygen due to this damn cold LMAO even that is funny
Mr Amazing: not funny
me: Im pretty sure it is funny, cause I am sitting here alone at my desk sssss ssss sssssing
me: I think assuming I get home alive – that I am going to make enchiladas for dinner and they will be magically delicious
me: It will be a magical magic kinda enchilada delirious wife kinda night… Im so excited! Do we own cheese?
me: I dont know if we own cheese…
Mr Amazing: we have cheese
me: Thank God! … I love cheese
I am pretty sure I will be deleting this post as soon as I am feeling better… and of sound mind… think of it as a limited edition!! SSSssss Ssssss Sssssss
Oh, man. I was sick for weeks and weeks. I was convinced those Mucinex people moved in. I hope you feel better soon!
I agree, this is the nastiest, sickest season I can ever remember. Get well soon!
“Do we own cheese?” Too funny! And I was totally imagining the Duck Hunt dog’s snicker the whole way through your post